Anime was originally focused on children and some animation fans but by the late 20th century, anime started to change or evolve which caused its sudden increase in popularity except for Pokemon which still currently has a theme for children but is enjoyed by many people in all ages and many collectible items are available which can be extremely valuable. Anime uses all genres used by cinemas which can give people wide varieties of genre, it began to evolve and new genres began to appear and stories began to change with several different genres for all people with different interests. Although conceived still by many people to be for children, anime has stories and genres which are not suitable for young audiences due to some having genres which have black comedy, dystopia, horror, action,drama, romance, ecchi, and other unsuitable genres for children. The world has obtained massive influence from Anime and proof of this is the massive increase of people who are studying subjects for Japanese main Japanese Language or even try to work and live in Japan. Japanese tourism also increased with the majority of the people going to Japan because of anime and visit Akihabara which is the Divisoria of Japan and it is where people can purchase cheap products or even services related to anime. The anime industry consists of 430 production companies, 7 percent of the japanese film market which is almost twice more than the live action films. The profitability is seen through the sales of DVD's which contributes 70 percent of total sales. The anime market in the United states alone costs approximately $2.74 billion dollars in 2009. The cost of a single English localization anime episode is $10,000. Many anime series have already incorporated several movies and the anime series which are incredibly profittable and popular have obtained live action films depending on the anime series if it is possible to adapt into a live actionfilm due to some series having content which are almost impossible to replicate even with computer generated effects such as pokemon which is completely successful and has been airing for more than a decase but does not have a live action film due to the challenges of replicating pokemon creatures. Cosplay conventions where people dress up as their favorite anime characters are incredibly successful around the world and is held every year with several being held in a single year which is complete proof of the complete success of anime. Cosplay conventions were because of anime clubs that were formed in the late 20th century during the anime boom which is the mark of the increase of popularity of anime. The term Anime style has also been created which derives the unique art form of anime art works as a popular movement to exploit the techniques to create such attractive works of art of both satire and serious creative productions.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Domination of Japanese Animation
Japanese animation or simply anime are videos derived from japanese video games or usually from japanese comic books known as manga which started as early as the 19th century and has a long and complex history. Anime arose in the 20th century and by the mid-20th century, it began to gain more attention in Japan and ultimately, in other parts of Asia. One of the earliest works and with the most number of episodes is doraemon along with other popular works. The most phenomenal anime started in 1996 which ultimately influenced the whole world which is the multi-billion dollar franchise Pokemon and since before and after its release, anime has gained phenomenal popularity all around the world in only a decade and is known for its unique eye style which was created by the creator of pokemon and is the main causes of the sudden increase of popularity of anime and its popularity continues to rise especially with the rapid development of animation techniques and technologies which causes animation to become extremely attractive which surpasses American Animation and ultimately dominate the animation industry.
Anime was originally focused on children and some animation fans but by the late 20th century, anime started to change or evolve which caused its sudden increase in popularity except for Pokemon which still currently has a theme for children but is enjoyed by many people in all ages and many collectible items are available which can be extremely valuable. Anime uses all genres used by cinemas which can give people wide varieties of genre, it began to evolve and new genres began to appear and stories began to change with several different genres for all people with different interests. Although conceived still by many people to be for children, anime has stories and genres which are not suitable for young audiences due to some having genres which have black comedy, dystopia, horror, action,drama, romance, ecchi, and other unsuitable genres for children. The world has obtained massive influence from Anime and proof of this is the massive increase of people who are studying subjects for Japanese main Japanese Language or even try to work and live in Japan. Japanese tourism also increased with the majority of the people going to Japan because of anime and visit Akihabara which is the Divisoria of Japan and it is where people can purchase cheap products or even services related to anime. The anime industry consists of 430 production companies, 7 percent of the japanese film market which is almost twice more than the live action films. The profitability is seen through the sales of DVD's which contributes 70 percent of total sales. The anime market in the United states alone costs approximately $2.74 billion dollars in 2009. The cost of a single English localization anime episode is $10,000. Many anime series have already incorporated several movies and the anime series which are incredibly profittable and popular have obtained live action films depending on the anime series if it is possible to adapt into a live actionfilm due to some series having content which are almost impossible to replicate even with computer generated effects such as pokemon which is completely successful and has been airing for more than a decase but does not have a live action film due to the challenges of replicating pokemon creatures. Cosplay conventions where people dress up as their favorite anime characters are incredibly successful around the world and is held every year with several being held in a single year which is complete proof of the complete success of anime. Cosplay conventions were because of anime clubs that were formed in the late 20th century during the anime boom which is the mark of the increase of popularity of anime. The term Anime style has also been created which derives the unique art form of anime art works as a popular movement to exploit the techniques to create such attractive works of art of both satire and serious creative productions.
Anime was originally focused on children and some animation fans but by the late 20th century, anime started to change or evolve which caused its sudden increase in popularity except for Pokemon which still currently has a theme for children but is enjoyed by many people in all ages and many collectible items are available which can be extremely valuable. Anime uses all genres used by cinemas which can give people wide varieties of genre, it began to evolve and new genres began to appear and stories began to change with several different genres for all people with different interests. Although conceived still by many people to be for children, anime has stories and genres which are not suitable for young audiences due to some having genres which have black comedy, dystopia, horror, action,drama, romance, ecchi, and other unsuitable genres for children. The world has obtained massive influence from Anime and proof of this is the massive increase of people who are studying subjects for Japanese main Japanese Language or even try to work and live in Japan. Japanese tourism also increased with the majority of the people going to Japan because of anime and visit Akihabara which is the Divisoria of Japan and it is where people can purchase cheap products or even services related to anime. The anime industry consists of 430 production companies, 7 percent of the japanese film market which is almost twice more than the live action films. The profitability is seen through the sales of DVD's which contributes 70 percent of total sales. The anime market in the United states alone costs approximately $2.74 billion dollars in 2009. The cost of a single English localization anime episode is $10,000. Many anime series have already incorporated several movies and the anime series which are incredibly profittable and popular have obtained live action films depending on the anime series if it is possible to adapt into a live actionfilm due to some series having content which are almost impossible to replicate even with computer generated effects such as pokemon which is completely successful and has been airing for more than a decase but does not have a live action film due to the challenges of replicating pokemon creatures. Cosplay conventions where people dress up as their favorite anime characters are incredibly successful around the world and is held every year with several being held in a single year which is complete proof of the complete success of anime. Cosplay conventions were because of anime clubs that were formed in the late 20th century during the anime boom which is the mark of the increase of popularity of anime. The term Anime style has also been created which derives the unique art form of anime art works as a popular movement to exploit the techniques to create such attractive works of art of both satire and serious creative productions.
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